just Aqilah,

off lifestyle & memories

Inspiring Neelofa.

Neelofa. Quite a big name in Malaysia. 
From Dewi Remaja to being an actress, a TV host and now an hijab entrepreneur.
Honestly. despite all the negative comments or gossips about her, I always adore her. I mean she is gorgeous, she is talented and she is smart. And also she always try to be better.

Yeahh there is time when what she does do upset me but still, who am I to judge. Sibuk kita mengata dia itu salah, buat ini salah, but she is trying and learning to be a good muslimah. Seriously. And that's something that I love about her because despite how she had dressed before, I think her deen must be more than me. Her good deeds must be more than me. 

We, human always judge people the way they dressed or behave. Terus cop yang orang tu teruk. But they forget that people can change to be better, maybe not all but people can change. And it is not our job to judge someone - this is something for me to ponder too. 

As for Neelofa, she definitely try to be better, she even decided to wear the purdah now. Alhamdulillah. It is a HUGEEEE steps for someone like her. She deals with international clients and yet she put Allah above all. Ask ourself, do we put Allah above all? Above all our works and lifestyle? Do we?

Honestly, I once wear handsock and sock, I am diligent in keeping my hand and feet covered but somehow these days, if I can't find my handsock or sock, I just go out the house without covering it. Of course I will choose to wear my full cover shoes but still we can see my feet. Like hello, nampak lah kan tak pakai stokin walaupun kasut tutup. Same goes to my hand. Hmmm. So faham faham lah yang we sometimes do make mistakes, do take these things light, main main je kita anggap tutup aurat ni pastu mengata orang lain sebab dia pakai tudung pendek lah, pakai baju ketat lah, but helllooooo? Do you see yourself in the mirror? Entah entah kita pun sama je kan.

So this transformation she is making? I'm 100% support her. I pray that she and her family will always be guided. May she always be blessed and hopefully I can be a good muslimah like her too. A good muslimah not only in term of dressing up  modestly, but always try to learn to be a good muslimah. Always learn and keep on learning, like her.

Although she is full covered but she still look absolutely stunning to me!
Semoga kita semua dapat menjadi bidadari dunia dan syurga yang sejuk dimata semua.



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