just Aqilah,

off lifestyle & memories

Just a random thought.

 Assalamualaikum ♥

I used to blog everyday, after balik kelas mesti buka blog sebab nak share how my day was, whether something make me sad or make me happy ke apa ke kan. Macam diary dah blog tu and the best part is dari blogging boleh kenal ramai kawan baru. Even tho tak kenal mana tapi because of blogging it seems like we had know each other a long time. Seronok.

Until I started working and kerajinan nak menaip tu makin lama makin pudar, lagi pun time tu ramai start to join Instagram. Lama lama, no more blog, I deleted my old blog masa final year because I don't like visiting my past (now rindu nak baca balik post lama, haha) and create a new one which is this one then tak lama lepas tu dah kurang buka blogspot ni. Berhabuk bersawang lah dia. I think lots of active blogger dulu dah tak active sekarang so macam tak best, kan. Yeah.

But I think I need to write here sometimes, in order to make me sane.
So doakan ye, semoga Aqilah rajin menaip.




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