just Aqilah,

off lifestyle & memories



Assalamualaikum, hello earthlings ❤️
So it has been ages kan since my last blog post. But that's okay, moving on. So happy new year 2023 earthlings! Kejap je pejam celik pejam celik dah tahun baru.Honestly I tak rasa I spent my 2022 the way I want it to. Banyak lagi goals on my vision board yan…

Dilemma mak mak

Assalamualaikum earthlings ❤️

Been awhile since I last posted anything. Selalunya kan orang macam jealous tengok orang berjaya, orang tu kaya, dapat beli macam macam kan.. Well, samalah. Jealous juga kadang kadang tapi lately ni rasa macam jealous plus a bit sedih bila tengok orang post yang anak di…

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